Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bibliography Citations

Michael Mullen

Iavchunovskaia, T. M. and I.B. Stepanova. “A Social Description of Female Narcotics Crime.”
Russian Social Science Review. Vol 50.3 (2009): 17-25.

Lagon, and Mark P. “Trafficking and Human Dignity.” Policy Review. Issue 152 (2008-09:)
p 51-61

Leppanen, Katarina. “Movement of Women: Trafficking in the interwar era.”
Women Study International Forum. Vol 30.6 (2007): p 523-533

Didden, Robert et tal. “Substance abuse, coping strategies, adaptive skills and behavioral and emotional
problems in clients with mild to borderline intellectual disability admitted to a treatment facility: A pilot study.” Research in Developmental Disabilities. Vol 30.5 (2009): pg 927-932

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