After living with the native Americans for a time, Cabeza de Vaca connected with them in a way. The one word I would have to use to describe this connection is 'family'. Tough de Vaca was not blood related to the Native Americans, they included him into the tribe and he lived among them as if he were of the tribe himself. This meant he took part in all of the customs they did, the ceremonies, and the everyday life they lived. He explained how they lived much differently from Europeans, at times starving themselves because a family memeber died or having to rely on neighbors to feed them. Because of this, they have established trust in one another and close bonds. De Vaca really watches this closely and sees it as a way of the tribe watching out for each other. When two men would disagree, they would fistfight and later on be friends again. That would be the extent of violence toward each other. Cabeza de Vaca himself became part of this culture, and when he returned to his own he was angered that they wanted to enslave the Indians. He was angered because, as I stated earlier, he now saw them as family.
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